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My journey from homeless to housing, which lead to my purpose in life and motivated me to be a part of the solution of helping those less vulnerable with the support they need to rebuild their lives. 


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"I never thought in a million years I would find myself in a homeless situation, but in 2008 I was faced with the home was in foreclosure. I was too ashamed to tell my family and friends, and kept thinking to myself this cannot be happening to me, so I spiraled into a depression thinking I had no way out. I ended up sleeping in my car and bouncing from house to house. A friend helped me map out a plan for my life and while on my journey I found employment, but I had to face the cold reality that I needed help, so..."


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"In 2009 I ending up going to WSCC, a shelter which had multiple programs. This is where I needed to be to get my thoughts and emotions back in order for me to sustain my health and well-being. i kept my employment while at the shelter and happy to admit I am presently employed with the same company. While in the shelter I joined NEOCH to advocate for the homeless, bring public awareness and insight on the homeless situation in Greater Cleveland, dispel the stigma and break the stereotype behind homelessness. I received a lot of help and support and then the day came when finally..."


Homeless Shelter

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"After facing so many challenges and obstacles searching for housing that's 2010 I found permanent housing with supportive assistance from WSCC. It was at that moment I realized I had found my purpose in life and my desire to help others who may be going through a similar situation or challenges I faced. In 2018 I founded True West Homes with a commitment to bring affordable housing back into the marketplace for youth aging out of foster care and adults exiting the homeless shelters, in addition to giving them the support they need to remain housed to combat returning to a homeless situation."

Permanent Housing

As I share my story, I hope it would help someone who is experiencing a similar situation that I went through. I want it to be a vision of hope and a light of inspiration. To me, this is personal. It's about encouraging individuals to remain hopeful, by motivating and inspiring them to keep moving forward despite the challenges they will face; in addition to looking forward to the day when they finally feel at peace and have some sense of stability in their lives. 


Over the past decade Ms. West has help advocate and support the homeless by being a member of NEOCH's Homeless Congress, in which she was recognized for testifying before the County Council. 

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As one of NEOCH's  Street Voices Speaker, I would be pleased to come speak at your school, church, college, university, synagogue, or civic organization about my experience.


If you would like to invite me to speak, fill out a request form

Partnership with YWCA Greater Cleveland

Sheri & Alfre Woodard
YWCA Circle Event

My continued support of the YWCA's Circle Event to help support their work with young adults aging of foster care and experiencing homelessness.




Sheri West's story has been featured in local and national publications.

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